Monday, September 29, 2008

File this Under "Mind Your Own Damn Business"

A PR chick tattled on me to my ultra-cool* boss at Us Weekly this weekend.

Apparently, she thought I was "really rude and unprofessional" at an art event in a warehouse space that featured portraits George Bush and Paris Hilton composed entirely of vaginas and and -- *ahem* --- "rear exits" clipped from porn magazines.

Not that I have a problem with the art. But I'm fairly certain that the girl who tattled on me (and was kind enough to "sign" her name to me with hand signals) wasn't even working on that event. She was just there, smoking cigs and concentrating on not eating ever, and smiling an over-enthusiastic skeleton smile at a frat boy in a bouffant who probably just got back from a lacrosse match in the Hamptons.

Also, for the record, I don't recall being either "rude" or "unprofessional."

Note to self: post-sorority PR girls are the Devil.

I love NY.

*She actually thinks her interns are mindless droids.


Go ahead. Make my day.